Do you need to Back Up, Save and/or Share Files?

I just wanted to share a little service that is FREE and may help simplify your life. Are you tired of dragging thumb drives (memory sticks) with you wherever you go?

There’s a Cloud Service called “DROPBOX” and if you haven’t heard of it; you may want to check it out. With this service, you have the ability to load the application on multiple computers and share files in minutes. (depending on your internet speed) PLUS you have the ability to log into the website anywhere in the world and access your files.

Here’s the link … DROPBOX

For the average person, the FREE 2GB of files are probably enough for most of your information. However, if you want to use the service for business and you need more space; you can purchase anywhere from 50GB to over a terabyte.

Now I am not suggesting that you just give up on all of your traditional backups if that is what you feel comfortable with; but why not start embracing technology and start trusting the cloud? Do both. If your traditional backup fails and/or you don’t have your computer handy … there is a free OR very reasonable priced service available for all of your files.

No … this is not a commercial or any sort of advertising for the product. (I don’t work for the company in any way)  It is simply just a great service that I have personally used for some time and have found it very handy with most of my basic files. Anything that I want to have the ability to access anywhere; I store on my computer and online (at the same time – Now that’s LEAN!!). I think that’s part of what I love about cloud technology; the ability to have real-time backup and never need to worry about remembering to back up.

Here’s the link again … DROPBOX

Check it out for yourself! I am sure that even if you use it for the basic sharing of files between multiple computers you’ll love it. It’s fast and it’s super easy to use!